Daniel C. Valot
Daniel C. Valot
Here I would like to present you some things to think about and ponder on, especially in these times of the Corona virus pandemic.
This is a time when domestic violence and child abuse is spiking up as much as 35% last I checked here in the US in July 2020.
Add another public health crisis to the toll of the new corona virus:
Mounting data suggests that domestic abuse is acting like an opportunistic infection, flourishing in the conditions created by the pandemic.
There was every reason to believe that the restrictions imposed to keep the virus from spreading would have suck an effect, said Marianne Hester, a Bristol University sociologist who studies abusive relationships.
Domestic violence goes up whenever families spend more time together, such as Christmas and summer vacations, she said.
Now with families in lock down world wide, hotlines are lighting up with abuse reports, leaving governments trying to address a crisis that experts say they they should have seen coming.
This is the days that we are living in today, so what are we to do?
In all of this, I see a great opportunity to grow and re-evaluate your life and your plans for it.
Ask yourself, who in my life needs to go because they are toxic for you, who needs to stay.
Who do you want to bring into your life, what is it that you have really wanted to do for the longest time and have not moved to do it yet?
I'm just telling you that we are all in this and it is a great time to take account of your life!
I would like to give you some things to give deep thought to.
The questions are:
Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What am I to do?
Where am I going?
Is what you're doing with your life right now giving you everything you want, are you content, fulfilled and happy?
If it's not than you need to change it and change it now!
Know this,
You came to earth with a gift inside of you, it was for a specific purpose!
* You are not a mistake
* You are not a biological accident
* You are not a cultural nuisance
What is your gift?
"A gift is an inherent capacity to fulfill a function to meet the need in creation".
Inherent means it is already inside you. You came to earth with it!
Your gift was put into you to fulfill a function that the world needs. If you die and you don't manifest your gift, the world will be robbed of what you were carrying to give to us.
Everything in creation was created with a gift. I can prove that to you.
Do you know what your gift is?
Your gift is the source of your value, your value determines how happy and content you will be and how much you will make in life.
If you never identify and refine your gift, you will never be of any value to any of us.
The world will ignore you forever and the only way some may know you were here is if someone were to walk through a graveyard and sees your name painted on a rock!
You are designed for your purpose and you are perfect for it.
Your gift and purpose is inherent, you came to earth with it inside of you.
You do not have to go out and find it, go to another country to find it, it is inside of you now.
Your purpose, abilities and outlook on life cannot be separated.
Your purpose determines how you will function, that shows how you are designed, which is directly related to your potential, which is connected with your natural abilities.
You are made the way you are because of who you are and why you are here.
You were made to fulfill your purpose in this world and the gift you have can only be given by you, it is for us and not for you, just as ours is for you and not for us.
The purpose you were designed to do is the reason you are here and only you can do it, it was given to you and no one else.
Never try to be someone else because your gift was given to you and no one else, only you, the way you are you can be the only one to carry it out!
You can learn from others and pass it forward but never try to become them, just be you, think like you, dress like you and just be you!
I learned this from Tony Robbins, it is really good for every one regardless of age to understand this. Now we can start to understand the reasons why we do, say, think and act the way we do.
It is pretty simple once you get the idea, you will start to see what drives people and if they will be a good friend for you, a good relationship match, business partner or corporate match etc.
This is really important to understand, to understand the "six personal needs" of a human being no matter the sexual orientation.
Those needs are:
*Love and Connection
You can meet these needs in a negative, neutral or positive reinforcing way.
Pick the top two needs that are the most important to you.
How you choose to meet those needs you have, will determine your direction.
That direction will absolutely take you to your destination, happy or tragic.
If you have a belief, action or thought that you can meet three of those needs, you will be addicted to that thought or action.
Once you understand this, when you see some one acting out poorly for example, you will not think "what a jerk".
Now you will ask yourself, what need are they trying to meet and how are they doing it.
Not only will you understand yourself further, you will understand the world around you and how to navigate through it.
You can never fulfill your purpose without being yourself.
Who and what you are is important to why you are.
There cannot be a new life until there is a new you.
There cannot be a new you until you change you're thinking.
Let's spend some time changing the way you think and develop a new mindset for you.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.
Live in your imagination, not in your past!
Albert Einstein said: Your imagination is a preview of what is yet to come.
I believe in all honesty, there is something very special in everyone!
The sad thing to me is that most people do not take the time nor make the effort to identify it.
Consequently, living an uncommitted life is not worth living because it does not produce anything!
In each one of you there is a book to be written, a song to write, a cure for cancer, an awesome speaker, a famous painter and many things never seen or heard of yet because you did not show or give it to the world yet.
Live your dream. It was given to you. No one else can live it because it was only for you.
You do not need anyone to approve your dream. It was given to you and you alone!
Where are the greatest riches in the world stored?
In the Middle East, where all the oil is?
In Africa, in the diamond and emerald mines?
Bottom of the ocean, sunken treasures?
I say "The Greatest Treasures" are in The Graveyard!
Dreams that were never lived, the books never written, technology that was never presented and who knows what else because it died with the person it was given to!
Death is NOT the greatest loss in life!
The greatest loss in life is what dies inside of us every day we think we are living!
The ideal scenario would be when you are on your death bed that you would be surrounded by family and friends around you who love you.
However, to lay there and be surrounded by ghosts looking at you with angry eyes, looking at you and saying, now we have to die with you!
We were given to you and only you could have given us life!
Now we must die with you, now the world will never have and experience us because we have to die here with you, only you could have given us life!
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.
It is about learning to dance in the rain and who you become in the process.
Just because the music may stop that does not mean you need to stop dancing!
There so many people just tiptoeing through life hoping to make it to death safely, please do not be one of them.
I am not trying to impress you however, I want to impress upon you the seriousness of life and how we live it, or not live it!
When we wake up in the morning, the first 20 minutes, our brain is operating at 10.5 wave cycles per second.
That is the most productive time and it will shape the way you live your day.
Take the first three minuets of your day when you wake up and think of all the things you are grateful for.
The reason is because when you are thinking what you are grateful for you cannot be angry, sad, worried because you are in a grateful state of mind and it will set the tone for your day.
A person is what they think about all day long. What do you think about all day long?
As a person thinks, so they are.
As they continue to think, so they remain!
With just a few of these thoughts in mind I challenge you to take a long hard look at your life and ask yourself if your life really is giving you everything you really want?
If not, I would love to talk with you and help you.
My personal Dream, Goal and Passion is to help and see you happy, whole, and living an extremely fulfilling life.
I am definitely living my greatest dream, it is giving my life the most incredible significance and purpose and that is what I really want for everyone.
With many things in our day-to-day life, the thoughts we entertain will dictate our future.
Your purpose will dictate the movies you watch, your friends, what you eat, the music you listen to, your workouts and everything thing else.
Be extremely careful where you let your mind wander, It could cost you everything and leave you with nothing!
As Tony Robbins says;
The reason you do not have what you want it the story you keep telling yourself of why you don’t have it.
Divorce your story and marry the truth!
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
What is your passion?
I am not trying to impress you about me. However, I want to impress upon you the dire necessity to understand these life principles and to create a new framework in your mind to bring understanding and clarity to your life so you will live a life of great personal fulfillment along with great passion!
I know I have put a lot of info on the Life Principles page. However, in the case I never speak to your group or consult with you personally, I want you to know and understand these things because that is my gift and purpose that I have to give to the world.
Please feel free to contact me for an appointment or any questions you may have.
Thank you so much for your time and interest in Valot Enterprises,
Daniel Valot