Daniel C. Valot
Daniel C. Valot
Dreams and gifts are normally manifested starting about the age of 6 years old. The sooner the gift is seen, the sooner goals can be set so a person can start working on their future.
Most parents and teachers do not know what a child will do.
85% of the people in the United States don't like or hate their job. They take their heart with them and every day the heart is under more stress and the largest cause of heart failure is stress.
That said; most people should not be at the jobs they have, they need to know their gift and purpose and live by faith:
“Finding Answers In The Heart”
What makes "you" hold a job that you hate so badly and does not give you a feeling of personal fulfillment?
Do you want your kids to experience that same feeling?
I do not!
It's much more than "Hard Work" to be fulfilled.
What would make a person accept that?
They were born with a gift. What was it?
Kids know this!
* You are not a mistake.
* You are not a biological accident.
* You are not a cultural nuisance.
You may go to school and learn to be a doctor, studied hard, tested well, passed with great ease, you become a doctor and you are not happy. You have the money, a romantic relationship and still not feeling complete. You are still looking for that "missing something”. What is it that you are still looking for?
The missing something is called "Personal Fulfillment". The point is, if you are not operating in with your "gift", you are still going to be looking for something to satisfy you. You will be fulfilled when you are working with what you were born to do.
The problem I see is that you go to church, the priest or pastor says "go out and find Gods will" WHERE?
You go to school and the teachers ask you "what kind of career do you want?
You may pick the highest paying job such as doctor, dentist, or attorney because you are thinking of the money at that age.
You do not go to school to find your gift. You go to school to refine your gift.
Fish do not swim to school they swim in schools. The gift of swimming is built into the fish!
The gift of "flight" is built into the birds. They don't go to school to learn to fly and they do not crash like planes.
Do you ever see a shark climb a tree?
Think, The shark was not made to climb a tree, he is the ruler of the ocean!
If he tries to climb a tree he will fail huge and be depressed however, he was never designed to climb, he was designed to rule the ocean which he does really well!
I learned this from Tony Robbins, it is really good for every one to understand this. Now we can start to understand the reasons why we do, say and act the way we do.
It is pretty simple once you get the idea, you will start to see what drives people and if they will be a good friend for you, a good relationship, business partner, some one who helps you grow etc.
I think it is very important for youth beginning in high school to begin to understand the "six personal needs" of a human being no matter the sexual orientation.
Those needs are:
*Love and Connection
You can meet these needs in a negative, neutral or positive reinforcing way.
Pick the top two needs that are the most important to you.
How you choose to meet the top two needs you have and how you meet those needs, will determine your direction.
That direction will absolutely take you to your destination, happy or tragic.
If you have a belief, action or thought that you can meet three of those needs, you will be addicted to that thought or action.
Once you understand this, when you see some one acting out, you will not think "what a jerk" you will ask yourself, what need are they trying to meet.
Not only will you understand yourself further, you will understand the world around you and how to navigate through it.
I went to a Catholic school. In first grade, the nun hit me with a wooden pointer stick across my hand because I was looking around the room at all the pictures and the alphabet on the walls.
The school failed me, held me back in 2nd and 4th grade, and that caused me two years of severe bullying because the other kids thought I was mentally challenged. That is exactly what Sister William Ann said to my mom after finishing the second term of 4th grade! She told my mom I had learning disabilities and did not belong in their school.
My mom at that point took me to UCLA where I spent 3 days with a child psychologist.
My mom was surprised at my response when she asked me how it was going. I said "it's great!" It is so much fun, because I was interested and was challenged by their process.
The bottom line is, the doctor came out and told my mom laughing, that I was smarter than he could ever be.
My intelligence quotient was 148, the teachers just did not know how to deal with me. I was just different.
That is what the kids need today and that is why they will often not pay attention to teachers. The kids do not know why they are there. They do not know their purpose yet.
I learned from that, Never let someone’s opinion of you become your reality!
Your reality is your decision, drive, focus and dedication.
When you connect to the kids and challenge their interest, their brain starts to really rev up. They will most always listen to you. However, they might never listen to you if they think you really don't care. They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!
When I went to the local Catholic High School, I was still not too interested in school. I was racing motocross and teaching martial arts that my mom enrolled me in at the age of 8 years old. I thank God for strong moms and I love her to this day even though she has been gone for many years. She instilled in me great moral values and teachings. Everything I have ever wanted to be and everything I have become I owe to my mom.
In my senior year of high school, the seniors were to get 10 minutes to meet with a guidance counselor who made about $6.00 an hour.
So, for $1.00 of her time and her vast wisdom, she told me, based on my SAT test scores, that my best bet for my career would be "to work in a gas station"!
Not that there is anything wrong with working in a gas station, but that was not for me.
My mom was waiting for me after school to hear what the councilor said. When I told her, she went in and told the principal that he should never let someone like that talk to us kids because the guidance counselor has no clue who we were and what we were going to become.
Truth said, two years out of high school I was making $150,000.00 a year!
Again the whole point here is to never let someone’s opinion of you become your reality. You do not need anyone to approve your gift, it was given to you and only you can live it.
You need to know your gift and purpose. When you figure it out, you will have a great desire to go to school and learn everything you can to build your gift.
Right now kids are just made to go to school. They don't know exactly why. They think no one cares and that they are a throw away generation. That is not the truth at all.
When kids do things like have "food fights", throw things behind the teacher’s back or zone out on their phones during class, they are not trying to disrespect the teacher, they are just bored and need to be challenged.
That is a great thing the teachers have to work with. They just need to connect with the kids.
I am not trying to impress you, I'm trying to impress upon you that the kids are all we have for the future for all of us. This is their time and we need to help them grow healthy and safe.
At one time I volunteered in a program where I worked with "at risk kids" ages 12-18 years old from at-risk children's programs and schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District. I was the "Youth Crew Director" in this program which was a volunteer position in a local, county funded organization that was started when I took on this role.
It was a privilege to be involved with the kids and the "Youth Crew Leadership Team" that I assembled with some great people who shared my vision for the Youth Crew. My role was showing the kids new ways to look at life and giving them hope that it was possible to achieve their Goals and Dreams.
I started with 5-6 kids and increased the Youth Crew to over 200 strong up until I left after 6 years.
It is my passion to see the eyes in the kid's faces light up when I see their brains engage with what I am saying to them.
The kids are way cool. I really get them thinking and it is great!
I was very fortunate to have a mom who understood this, supported and encouraged me. This is what I want to do for the young people today.
I tell kids that everything is possible for them. Even though life seems unfair and painful at times, life is still extremely great.
I hadn't realized that talking to all the kids would be so challenging, rewarding and great fun for me.
It's my life's goal to help kids and adults see the possibilities for their future, to live full and happy lives with great meaning and purpose, and to become someone of great value, which is true success.
I will continue to talk with kids to inspire them to hold on to their dreams and reach out for their goals, to NEVER GIVE UP!
I am not trying to impress you, I'm trying to impress upon you that the kids are all we have for the future for all of us. This is their time and we need to help them grow healthy and safe.
Please feel free to contact me for an appointment or any questions you may have.
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Thank you so much for your time and interest in Valot Enterprises,
Daniel Valot